You take control of a guy living with three beautiful women. You live a pretty ordinary life... You go to school, do your chores, study for college, play games, watch TV. And then, the same day starts repeating and repeating, and... repeating. So suddenly your life isn't so ordinary anymore...​
Like any horny teenager you decide to make the most out of your situation by having sex with everyone around you no matter the cost.

Game Content:
- 11.300+ IMAGES

- FULL VOICE-OVER (For all female characters)
- Free Roam
- Time Cycle
- In-game Hint System
- Define the Relationships Within the Game
- "Lust Time"
- Change Angle
- And much more…

Lust Theory Season 2 STEAM BUILD is currently in development.

Engine: Ren’Py
Available on: Windows, Mac and Android

This game features adult content and some content that some users might find offensive the game might include topics that you may have a sensitivity to such as sexual assault/non-consensual sex, drug/alcohol abuse.